Our elders
The term “Presbyterian” comes from the Greek word presbuteros which means elder. Rather than being governed by single individuals (priests, bishops, archbishops) like in an episcopalian system, or being governed by the congregation like in a congregational system, a Presbyterian church is governed and led by elders. The monthly meetings of the elders are called Session meetings, and they are chaired and moderated by the Moderator of the Charge (the pastor/minister). All elders get an equal vote at session meetings, and the moderator has the casting vote.
Our elders are:
- Jayesh Naran
- Stuart Hoadley
- Casey Vallance
- Nathan Boland
Our Committee of Management
In a Presbyterian Church, finance and property matters are dealt with by elected members of the congregation called managers, who meet monthly as a committee of management (COM). The committee is chaired and moderated by the Moderator of the Charge (the minister of the church), and two members of COM serve as the treasurer and the secretary. The elders of the church are ex-officio members who can attend and vote at meetings. Our current elected managers are:
- Rebekah Vallance (chair)
- Stephen Gentle (treasurer)
- Andre Gronum
- Dylan Falls
- Sarah Falls