Membership Course
About Lesson

Like all Christians everywhere, we believe in one God who exists in three persons – Father, Son and Spirit; the Triune God of the Bible.

We believe in Jesus
  • We believe in God the Son, Jesus Christ, who is co-equal and co-eternal with God, who became a human 2000 years ago in order to redeem the human race, and who now exists as a fully divine and fully human being.
We believe in God the Father
  • We believe in God the Father, who loved the world by sending his Son into the world to save it. Those who believe in Christ are adopted into his family and become children of God and call Christ’s Father their own.
We believe in the Holy Spirit
  • We believe in God the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father and the Son to all those who believe in him, to dwell in them and give them life, transforming them to be the new people of God.
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